Link 1: My Art Thread
It's like an art blog, isn't it? I'm liking that idea now I've started one.
Link 2: My Ko-fi Page
I'm experimenting with the options there, because I need money. Advice about how to set up my page or shop or promo could be useful if you've got any.
Link 3: #rescueTransRescue
Others need money, too. Trans Rescue is helping people flee oppressive countries.
I've donated art to be included in a collaborative sticker set, which is supposed to be available soon. Sales of the stickers and other beautiful items that were handmade for this fundraiser will contribute to Trans Rescue.
Saving trans, intersex, and other targeted people from the United States of America is now one of the charity's priorities because of threats from the criminal government that is currently expected to be taking over in January 2025. We need all the support we can get.
If you have funds to spare before December 15th, you can help while getting unique art for yourself.
If you don't: yeah, I understand. I hope you have a few minutes to appreciate the images of our art that are posted online.
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